Objectives: To demonstrate a spectrum of demyelinating diseases that could have features of specific entities like MS or NMO with overlapping clinical, serological and radiological findings.
Methods: This is a case report and review of the literature.
Results: This is a 70 year old Chinese female who has history of recurrent bilateral lower limb weakness attacks for almost 20 years starting when she was in China leading eventually to severe paraparesis with urinary and fecal retention. On her initial assessment in 2005, her MRI of the spinal cord showed STIR signal change involving a long segment of the thoracolumbar cord. Her MRI of the brain showed extensive white matter lesions involving cortical and subcortical regions with almost all the white matter tracts involved. She also had abnormal visual evoked potentials bilaterally, She had a positive NMO Abs with a titer of 1:7280, Her serologic work up was otherwise negative except she had +ve SSA and JO-1 which were not felt to be indicative of a rheumatologic disorder. The patient failed to improve radiologically and clinically on two types of Interferon, IV steroids, and was finally started on Imuran 75mg BID along with prednisone 15 mg daily. She was found to be positive for JC virus antibodies which raised concerns for starting Rituximab due the potential risk of PML. Her most recent exacerbation consisted of right optic neuritis which was confirmed by MRI of the orbit. She received a pulse treatment for steroids and was discharged in a stable condition with improvement in her vision in the right eye.
Conclusions: Our case illustrates white matter involvement in demyelinating disease can be extensive with characteristics from more than one disease (NMO vs. MS). In the future more specific biological or radiological markers could be useful in distinguishing these presentations and guiding therapy.