Objectives: To determine if the GivMohr sling demonstrates long term changes in gait in a subject with a flaccid UE
Methods: A single subject, repeated measures design. A 61 year old female s/p CVA with right sided hemiparesis, with a flaccid upper extremity. Two months post (time A), and again at 6 months (time B), she walked across the GAITRite mat, with and without the GivMohr sling in a randomly assigned order. She walked at a self-selected speed with standby assist for safety.
Results: Gait velocity: time A without sling =25.6, with sling =26.5; time B without sling =65.4, with sling= 69.0. Step length involved side/uninvolved: time A without sling = 22.8/26.9, with sling = 25.2/36.5; time B without sling = 38.3/45.2, with sling = 39.5/44.3
Conclusions: Use of the GivMohr sling enhanced the subjects gait at both evaluation times. Her gait improved between the two testing sessions, however, the enhanced variables of increased velocity and changed step length between sides of her body when wearing the sling were still demonstrated at time B.
While low tone extremities are not the norm in people with MS, it is a possibility, perhaps due to a secondary complication. Maintaining functional mobility in individuals with MS is crucial over time, even with a flaccid extremity. The GivMohr sling is a simple and inexpensive option that not only supports and protects the UE, but properly positions it during upright postures. The sling may be an appropriate treatment option for some people with MS.