Consistent Treatment Effect of Teriflunomide in Subgroups Based on Pre-Trial Therapy: Pooled Analyses of Temso and Tower
Objectives: To assess the consistency of the teriflunomide effect on ARR and disability progression across subgroups based on pre-trial MS therapy.
Methods: TEMSO and TOWER enrolled patients with relapsing forms of MS, aged 18–55 years, with Expanded Disability Status Scale score ≤5.5, and ≥1 or ≥2 relapses in the 12 or 24 months before study entry, respectively. Patients were randomized 1:1:1 to once-daily teriflunomide 14mg (n=728) or 7mg (n=772), or placebo (n=751) for 108 weeks (TEMSO) or 48 weeks after last patient randomized (TOWER). Post-hoc analyses of ARR and 12-week confirmed disability progression were performed on pooled subgroups defined by pre-trial therapy: >1 prior DMT, 1 prior DMT, prior steroids only, and no prior MS treatment in the previous 2 years.
Results: Baseline disease characteristics were generally well balanced across subgroups, with differences reflecting varying stages of disease. Mean time since diagnosis of MS and most recent relapse varied (3.9 yrs [steroids only] to 7.3 yrs [>1 prior DMT]; 4.8 months [steroids only] to 6.4 months [>1 prior DMT], respectively). Efficacy of 14mg was consistent across the subgroups defined by pre-trial MS therapy for ARR and disability progression, with all estimates of treatment effect favoring teriflunomide vs placebo and no statistically significant (p>0.05) treatment-by-subgroup interaction. Similar results were observed for 7mg for ARR.
Conclusions: Pooled subgroup analyses show consistent treatment effect of teriflunomide across subgroups defined by pre-trial DMT or prior use of steroids, including efficacy in patients with more active or severe disease activity at baseline.