An Audit of Past Attendees of the Neurological Examinations Nurse Training Course (NENTC) and the Positive Impact on Clinical Nursing Management
Objectives: The NENTC was established in 2013 with the aim to improve understanding and confidence in the neurological examination of Multiple Sclerosis patients for nurses working with MS patients.
Methods: After each course an evaluation about the course is undertaken by the participants. A further questionnaire was then sent to participants to determine the participants confidence in undertaking neurological examination pre and post course attendance and participants actual undertaking of neurological examination as a consequence of attending the course.
Results: This poster presentation is the collation of those results. They identified that there had been improvements in all areas of undertaking a neurological examination with no respondent rating themselves as having low confidence. Conversely there was an almost 4 times increase in those rating themselves as very confident. 65% of attendees responded that they undertake neurological examination routinely as a consequence of attending the course with all responding that they felt very or moderately confident with no one rating themselves as low confidence when undertaking an examination
Conclusions: The results indicate significant consistent increases in the confidence of individuals attending the NENTC to undertake neurological examinations. In addition, increased confidence in the undertaking of neurological assessment in routine practice has had a direct change on clinical practice initiated by attendees. These results continue to be consistent.